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4. Diseases and insect worship prevention
(1) The diseases of melon seedlings mainly include vertical withering, withering, creammium disease, white powder, and disease.Generally speaking, these diseases are mainly caused by high temperature and high humidity environments, so we must pay attention to field permeability and drain water in time after rain to avoid inducing diseases.

(2) Pests mainly include aphids and red spiders.Avinin can be used to prevent and control diseases and insect pests.When preventing and controlling diseases and insect pests, you must pay attention to the concentration of the drug.The spray time can be selected at about 4 pm, and the sides of the leaves must be sprayed.

2. What are the reasons for melon seedlings and yellow leaves?

1. Absence

(1) During the growth process, the melon needs a variety of nutrients. The main reason for the yellow leaves of melon is nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, and magnesium.

(2) Different symptoms of each kind of prime deficiency, nitrogen deficiency can cause leaves to become yellow and green, old leaves dry, new leaves are small and less; when phosphorus deficiency, the plant is short, the leaves are dark green, and there is no light., Gradually anxious, in severe cases, the entire blade will wither; the leaves become yellow when calcium deficiency, but the old leaves remain green; the leaves are pale yellow when the iron deficiency is green, but the veins are still green.Copper will cause green leaf green to gradually fade; magnesium deficiency can cause yellow leaf color, the most obvious leaf tip, but the veins are still green.











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